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hi, are your g larvitars ft? i can offer very well
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Aotearoa still logs this joint? xD
i created some trades for your larvitars
05-17-2022 01:40 PM
GoldenMewtwo (Level: 5)
GoldenBulbasaur ♂ (Level: 4)
ShinyHo-Oh (Level: 4)
ShinyRayquaza (Level: 125)
GoldenRoggenrola ♀ (Level: 5)
GoldenMoltres (Level: 5)
GoldenArticuno (Level: 5)
GoldenZapdos (Level: 5)
GoldenTotodile ♂ (Level: 5)
GoldenMinun ♂ (Level: 5)
GoldenPlusle ♀ (Level: 5)
Aotearoa0 (#826453) Is Trading
GoldenLarvitar ♂ (Level: 5)
feel free to revise/counter offer or check 3181487 for loads of other neat stuff
05-17-2022 01:38 PM
hello there are we still down to do the larv trade ? I've traded a couple of the birdsets for better stuff, now I'm thinking:
g.mewtwo 5
g.birdset 5
g.bulbasaur 4
shiny ho-oh 4
for a larv. can throw in some small golds as well
reminder to send in your secret santa gift to 3444443
06-23-2021 01:44 AM
Sent an offer to your main!
Hey would you like to trade ?
12-26-2020 08:23 PM
Completed thanks!