Conversation Between HoodedFigure and Tyler.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
I’m going to get back to you very soon, I’m going to try and come up with something to add for you :)
Is there anything you can add at all?:o I do love that regi set xD
Regi set is amazing o; but apparently it's short by a a fair bit I've asked around;c
Alright thank you :) Would you take a Regi Set 4 + G.Machamp (?) 5.4k for it?
You're fine!
I honestly am not even sure on the rate xD I got told when I got it that it was 40kx but yeah I'm not sure
Just seen that you don’t rate, sorry I didn’t see that sooner :/
How much do you rate your G.Delibird at? :)