Conversation Between Silenced5uicide and ark
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
create to 3267787 for meowth, you won
My real life is very important, i have a 2 month old child, soo i don't have the time to get upset over just a digital game
It's the small things in life that add up to big things... Guess your "real life" is so important that you don't need common sense or respect :(
Its a game here, your life isn't depending on it is it? Alright we don't need to get so worked up over something will change neither mine or your life
That doesnt change the fact that you offered it for the best offer :X You wasted both our times, please don't offer in best offers if you aren't going to stick to your offer
I was offered a golden gardevoir in PM for the gastly D:
are you going to create? :x